Donny Walsh

One year Murray MacLauclan gave me a very expensive and huge Chromatic Harmonica for Xmas. I hung out with all these musicians and tried desperately to learn the banjo or guitar or even ukulele. I was hopeless in a mostly tone deaf way. Murray thought I might learn this as I didn't have to tune it. Donny Walsh saw it sitting on my bar one night and picked it up and gave it a toot. "Hey I always wanted to try one of these can I borrow it? sure I says. I will bring it back next week he promises. so I dont see him for a month or two. Where is my harmonica? "I broke it he says. that slide thing just fell off in my hands. Hmm so I forget about it until I see him at a concert. Not only is he playing my chromatic Harmonica he has a big leather holster made for it. it took me few years to find this funny.

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