"Experienced the legendary charm of Peter O'Toole at the Toronto Film Festival in 1977. As host of the Hospitality suite, I had the privilege of chatting with the renowned actor. But that's not all - Donald Sutherland himself approached me, requesting a private place for Peter and him to meet for the first time. As I opened a bedroom and set up a mini bar, I couldn't help but feel like I was part of a special moment in Hollywood history. Later on, I ran into Peter at Club 22 at the Windsor Arms. He gave me a nod as he passed by with his girlfriend/keeper. But little did she know, he had a mischievous plan up his sleeve. As soon as she left for the washroom, he slyly ordered two no. 4, no. 6 shots of rum and finished them off before she returned. It was clear that Peter O'Toole was a true rebel with a charming smile to match."